Saturday 31 December 2011

Encountering Interesting People

Reflecting on the year and my encounters With Interesting People:

For instance the American lady visiting Panama with her husband and 6 year old son who was on a mission to find her biological Panamanian parents.  She had been given up for adoption when she was a baby and had been raised in the US.  In the week that she was in Panama, she located both her parents and at the time, had met her mother and was about to meet her father. 

The English man whom I met in Havana.  He had finally been able to travel after some time.  Both his kidneys had stopped working and his wife's colleague/friend had given one of her kidneys to him. 

The Cuban luggage porter in Havana who said that his father had been high up in the Cuban army but was now working for the government.  This guy was sick of hearing that there was no crime in Cuba so he stole crime files from his father's computer onto a memory stick.  He wanted to show them to me or to give me a copy of the memory stick.  I said I neither wanted to see the information nor handle the memory stick, for my own protection.   

I met an American lad in his late 20's when I was in Panama.  His dad was very high up in the FBI.  This lad showed me a badge in a leather wallet with FBI Agent's Family written on it.  If he got into trouble with the traffic police back in the US, he would always be let off after showing them the badge. 

In Panama, I kept bumping into an English girl with her boyfriend, once by a waterfall, then in Boquete, and then on the other part of the country in Bocas Del Toro.  Finally, I asked her what she did back home and we discovered that she is the colleague of a barrister friend of mine back in London.

It was meeting and connecting with the wonderful and fascinating people from all parts of the world that made my trip so special.

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